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March 1 - March 9, 2025

"You know and feel the potency of meeting, because whale's eye holds the Universe, the lifetimes and the worlds."



  • Touch, Kiss and Hug Gray Whales (4x boat trips)

  • Enter Whale Heart Grid and Experience Unconditional Love

  • Align to the Core of Gaia with Blue Whales (1x boat trip)

  • Explore the Magic of Baja’s Islands and Beaches

  • Float in the Crystalline Waters of Salt Lakes (1x excursion)

  • Channel Tones for Healing and Whale Communication

  • Connect and Integrate with Soul Family

  • Embody Highest Potentials of Passion and Joy


Aloha dear soul!

There are quite a few places on the planet that are considered “whale hotspots,” where you can have an unforgettable (sometimes life-changing) meeting with the gentle giants. Baja California is not just “one of them” but is completely unique in how the whales interact with humans. Nowhere else do the whales approach the boats in such numbers and are literally asking to be touched and rubbed. This closeness, this openness, this complete trust, is so amazingly special!

I feel excited and extremely grateful, to be able to bring a group to them and experience this phenomenon in a conscious, connected, soul-opening way. I believe that we increase our ability to receive cetacean quantum gifts, when we join our hearts in the “human pod,” and sing the tones through the portal of the pineal. I’ve seen it over and over, when humans are ready, whales respond!

If something is moving inside you when you’re reading these words, if your heart is starting to leap forward out of your chest and your cells are gently dancing, maybe now is your turn to show up and meet your soul –through the eye of the whale!

Jan Lemuri

Themes of the retreat

Whale Heart Grids

When you join 2000 whales you physically enter a quantum heart grid and attune and align to its vibration and pulsation. This is where miracles happen!

Unconditional Love

Looking into the eye of a whale changes you. Something happens in between the cells. Every part of you fills with love.

Sound Healing

Sound is an amazing tool. We can use it to carry an intention of connecting to the whales but also an intention for healing and balancing our bodies.

Blue Whale Gifts

Blue whales dive deep down to energetic core of Gaia. When you receive a download they guide you to first align it to that core and then integrate it.

Crystalline Temples

Both Loreto and Ojo de Libre have high vibrational crystalline temples in place and we are blessed to be able to enter and receive!

Sacred Gaia

There is so much sacredness in the land and in the sea. We will celebrate Gaia everywhere we go - from islands to lagoons, from dragons to whales!

Best Moments of 2022/23


Day 1: Arrivals - HIGHEST DREAM, Loreto

Look for plane connections to Loreto (Mexico) on Feb 28* or Mar 1. Check in is at 4pm. You will be picked up from the airport and transported to our accommodations.

Meditation, first circle, working with dreams, intentions, visions. 


Day 2: Blue Whales -


Blue whales are in Loreto only a couple of months every year and they vibrate in alignment with the deep heart of Gaia. We will cruise on a boat between Isla del Carmen and Isla Danzante to enter through the dragon gates into the crystalline temple of Loreto. 


Possible sightings: blue, humpback and fin whales, dolphins, seals, and orcas!

Lunch on the beach.

Day 3: Conception Bay - THE BEAUTY OF BAJA, road-trip

This is the traveling day, leaving Loreto we travel up north towards Ojo de Libre. On the way we will stop for a swim and meditation in Conception bay and take in so many scenic Baja vistas.


Lunch in a little town of Mulege. afternoon walk and exploring the historic town of San Ignacio. 

Arriving to Gurrero Negro in the early evening.  


Day 4: Gray whales - CRYSTALLINE PYRAMID, Ojo de Libre

First day on the water with gray whales. We will prepare for this throughout the early days of the retreat, slowly exploring all the themes, from sound healing, interspecies communication to the nature of miracles. On this day we will also introduce the crystalline pyramid, the place of meeting and facilitating a transfer of information and love.

Day 5: Gray whales - UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, Ojo de Libre

Second day on the water with gray whales. Going deeper into the experience and receiving the quantum gifts on every possible level. Opening up the inner worlds, the consciousness, the beingness. Remembering the magnificence and the core of who we are.

Afternoon: a special visit to the salt fields, where we'll be able to float in a salt lake.

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Day 6: Gray whales - THE MIRACLE OF THE WHALE HEART, Ojo de Libre

The third day on the water with gray whales. We work with the energies of embodiment, bringing all the gifts into integration, allowing every cell to fill with the sweetness of remembrance. Soul embodiment is a continuous journey, that includes designing step of empowered change upon arrival back home, implementing the gifts.


Day 7: San Ignacio - EMBRACING LIFE, road-trip

This is the traveling day number 2 and on our way back to Loreto we stop in San Ignacio for lunch, a short meditation with the intention to embrace life - from high energy of the crystalline and unconditional love to enjoying the simple sights, smells and beauty, we say yes to life, yes to the journey, yes to expression.


Day 8: Integration - LIVING THE HIGHEST DREAM, Loreto

A relaxed morning to enjoy the beach and rest.

Sacred circle in the afternoon.

Time to take the gifts and bring them into life. Co-creating highest outcomes, synchronicities and guidance on our journey. Excitement as the soul's journey leaps forward into new life.


Day 9: Departures - BLESSINGS & ALOHA, Loreto

After breakfast transfers to the airport or downtown Loreto. Big hugs and many blessings from the group and the whales. <3


LORETO (days 1-3, 7-9)

In Loreto we will stay in a luxury villa in a charming beach community in Nopolo under the Giganta mountains. Villa gives our group a private, safe space for our meditations and sharing. Beach, pools and restaurants are just a short walk away. 


Ojo de Libre is a very remote and protected nature area and all accommodations are in a nearby town of Guerrero Negro. The main attraction here are the whales and the town is not a tourist highlight, so please don't expect too much, all the amenities are very basic.

We will be staying in a very simple but clean hotel, with a traditional restaurant right next doors. Single rooms with queen beds and double with a queen and a twin. We will have our own private space to meet and do sacred circle. Photos below.


The nearest town to Ojo de Libre where up to 2000 gray whales can be present, is Guerrero Negro, a small salt mining town. Most accommodations there are very basic - don't expect much!

However, we do believe our spacious casa and adjacent rooms in Los Caracoles, are some of the nicest in town - and our group will have casita all up to ourselves!

We will have plenty of space for meditations, relaxing living areas and peace and quiet to integrate after whale watching. 

Caracoles restaurant right next door for beautiful coffee, breakfasts and dinners.

Price & Registration


Early bird (until Jan 1, 2025)

$2495 for double occupancy

$2995 for single occupancy

* OPTIONAL ADD-ON: arrive a day early (Feb 28th) or leave a day later (Mar 10th)  for an extra payment of $100/night (double, $150 single) ... Loreto is magical and having extra time is soul-nourishing!

Normal price (after Jan 1, 2025)

$2695 for double occupancy

$3195 for single occupancy


  • Pick up and drop off at the airport

  • 8 nights accommodations

  • 5 boat rides - blue, humpack and fin whales (1), gray whales (4)

  • 1 salt fields lake swim & float

  • Transportation Loreto - Guerrero Negro, Guerrero Negro - Loreto with all the sightseeing stops on the way (Bahia Concepcion, Mulege, San Ignacio)

  • Taxis and transportation to boat ramp Ojo de Libre, boat ramp Loreto

  • "Whale pod" sacred circle every day

  • Personal instructions and guidance on cetacean contact

  • Meditations, activations and alignments

  • private Zoom call with Jan before the retreat


NOT INCLUDED: food, plane tickets, health and travel insurance, tips for hte crew, personal expenses

Note: Organizer reserves the right to change the program or accommodations due to unexpected circumstances, weather, higher force, etc.



Send a sign up email to jan.lemuri (at) or HERE with your NAME, SINGLE or DOUBLE and preferred MEANS of PAYMENT.

DEPOSIT: $1000 - 100% refundable (minus processing fees) until 12/27, 50% refundable until 1/15, no refunds after 1/15


Bank Transfer (in EUR within Europe)

TransferWise (internationally)

Venmo (USA)




Coming from the states: direct flights to Loreto from a few airports, LAX and SFO (Alaskan), Phoenix and Dallas (American Airlines)


Coming from Europe: you can either look for flights connecting through one of the USA airports mentioned above and then direct to Loreto... or fly direct to Mexico city and then connect locally

SPENDING MONEY: Mexico uses Mexican Pesos (MXN), so either bring some of those with you or use your credit/debit cards to pay for your expenses.

OTHER QUESTIONS: Please don't hesitate to write to us with any additional questions at jan.lemuri (at) gmail or HERE.

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